Balancing Enrollment
Thoughtful, Research-Based Planning for the Future
Welcome to Prince George County Public Schools' Balanced Enrollment homepage. This webpage serves as the place to learn more about the division's elementary boundary adjustment process.
Located in Southside Virginia within the Virginia Department of Education's Region 1, Prince George County Public Schools is focused on preparing our students to navigate an ever-changing world by engaging, encouraging, and inspiring every child throughout their educational journey.
Balancing enrollment is the process of adjusting elementary school boundaries to balance enrollment and class sizes at each of Prince George County's elementary schools.
Balancing enrollment is the process of adjusting elementary school boundaries to balance enrollment and class sizes at each of Prince George County's elementary schools.

Prince George County continues to be a top destination for families in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As our division prepares for our community's future growth and modernization of the district's facilities, adjusting elementary school boundaries to ensure all of our elementary schools can support the instructional needs of our students is an important process for Prince George County Public Schools.
The Process
During the division's most recent elementary boundary adjustment project, which began in the Spring of 2022, to establish new elementary boundaries beginning for the 2023-24 School Year, Prince George County Public Schools partnered with Cooperative Strategies to aid in the research and development of new boundaries.
During the division's most recent elementary boundary adjustment project, which began in the Spring of 2022, to establish new elementary boundaries beginning for the 2023-24 School Year, Prince George County Public Schools partnered with Cooperative Strategies to aid in the research and development of new boundaries.
During the approximately year-long process, the division and the Prince George School Board engaged with stakeholders, including faculty, staff, and families, to garner feedback and perspectives on preliminary boundaries. These stakeholders participated in online surveys, virtual focus groups (via Zoom), and in-person community meetings.
This information was utilized by the division and school board to develop the final boundary option selected by the Prince George School Board during their meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2023.
For an overview of the division's boundary adjustment project, click here to view the project timeline.
Elementary Boundary Map
Click here to view the district's elementary boundaries beginning for the 2023-24 School Year.
Click here to view the district's elementary boundaries beginning for the 2023-24 School Year.
School Locator Map
Click here to access the division's School Locator map. Families can enter their address into the online platform and see what school their children will attend.
Click here to access the division's School Locator map. Families can enter their address into the online platform and see what school their children will attend.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to view our division's frequently asked questions portal following PGCPS' recent elementary boundary adjustment project for the 2023-24 School Year.
Click here to view our division's frequently asked questions portal following PGCPS' recent elementary boundary adjustment project for the 2023-24 School Year.
Project Timeline
Click here to view an overview of the division's elementary boundary adjustment project to create new boundaries for the 2023-24 School Year.
Printable Boundary Maps & Documents
Please use the links below to access digital versions of the division's elementary boundary maps (PDF).