Student Cell Phone & Device Use FAQs

Committed to Providing Engaging, Distraction-Free Learning Environments
Prince George County Public Schools' mission centers around the district's desire to keep our students as 'True North' through every program to support learning. 
In this section, we will provide answers to some of the common questions that our school community may have about our cell phone and personal communications device usage by students as part of the district's policy, JFCM - Personal Communications Devices, and in accordance with the Virginia Department of Education's Guidance for Cell Phone-Free Education Pursuant to Executive Order 33 guidelines.
This policy will take effect January 1, 2025, per VDOE and Executive Order 33's guidelines.
We hope this FAQ page will be a valuable resource to our school community, and the document will be updated as needed to address additional topics related to this policy. 
In Summary: PGCPS Personal Communications Devices Policy
This policy states students are prohibited from using personal communications devices, including cell phones, during instructional time or in instructional settings, which comprises places such as a classroom, auditorium, gymnasium, and any location where a school staff member is providing instruction or related activities.
  • Elementary school students are prohibited from using personal technology during the day.
  • Middle and high school students must keep their devices silent and not visible and store them in their backpacks or another phone storage location away from students during the school day, including during lunch and transition time between classes. These students may be able to use their devices before or after the school day concludes as permitted by the school's administrators. 
Allowable exemptions for cell phones and personal electronic communication devices are available to families and must be written explicitly in a student's Section 504 plan, Individualized Education Plan, and/or individualized health care plans. 
School staff will continue to have access to communications during instructional time and can contact the school office in an emergency. Further, students who access stored personal communications to make calls for assistance will not be penalized during a school emergency.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click each question or triangle icon to reveal the answer to each item in the FAQ below.
Key Resources & Documents
Last Updated: 11-13-2024