Advanced Placement & Special Programs

Gifted Programs: Supporting Our Learners with Exceptional Abilities
Prince George County Public Schools' mission centers around the district's desire to keep our students as 'True North' through every program to support learning. 
The division takes pride in offering programs for our students with exceptional intellectual abilities, helping them reach their full potential and ensuring they are supported both intellectually and emotionally. This is done through engaging programs and initiatives aimed at providing students with the resources they need to succeed from kindergarten through to receiving their diploma as Prince George High School Royals.
Beginning in grade 6, students may be found eligible to take advanced level classes. As students progress through their secondary education, additional opportunities become available to them. Due to the rigor or such coursework, prerequisites and other guidelines are necessary to ensure that students are set up for success. 
For more information about the division's Advanced & Honors programming, along with dual enrollment opportunities, please review the information on this page, or consult the division's annually-released Course Registration Guide, available to families at their child's secondary school campus - J.E.J. Moore Middle School, N.B. Clements Junior High School, and Prince George High School.
Pathways Night & Information Sessions
During the school year, an information session is held during the fall where students and families can learn more about local and regional programs available to students. The sessions are aimed at Prince George County 7th and 8th graders, but families of 6th graders are invited to attend to learn more about these future experiences for their children. 
Additionally, regional programs PGCPS participates in may also host their own information sessions for prospective families. Parents are encouraged to check with their child's school counselor and/or the individual program's campus to learn more about dates and times for sessions.
Visit our Regional Programs & Governor's School page to learn more about these opportunities. 
Advanced & Honors Course Guidelines
Note: In grades 6-12, it is expected that identified gifted students enroll in advanced, honors, dual credit and/or AP classes. Additionally, the following information comes from the recent edition of Prince George County Public Schools' 2024-25 Course Registration Guide. The Course Registration Guide is updated annually and provided to students and families. Parents are urged to check it each year for the most current information. 
To be given an opportunity to take advanced classes, students must meet the following criteria:
  • 6th Grade Advanced Courses: Must have earned an "A" (90-100) as the final grade in all four core subjects in 5th grade and have score a 485 or higher on both the Reading 5 and Math 5 Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment. Transfer students to our district must have all A's for final grades in 5th grade and will have available assessments reviewed at J.E.J. Moore Middle School to see if they qualify. Rising 7th graders - the student was in advanced classes in the 6th grade during the previous school year and earned "A's" or "B's" as final grades in the core subjects.
  • 7th and 8th Grade Advanced Courses: Placement will be determined by a combination of data sources, including Standards of Learning assessment scores, final grades, teacher and parent input. Final decisions will be made by the school principal. 
Due to the rigorous pace and curriculum of the advanced courses, students will not be considered for placement in advanced classes after the first quarter has ended.
Level Changes: Students who wish to opt out of advanced classes to regular classes will not be permitted to do so after first grading period report cards are issued. Therefore, if your child is in advanced classes, and you find they are not maintaining your academic expectations, you need to be sure to request to have them removed prior to the end of the first nine weeks. 
Honors courses on all levels refine basic skills stressed in earlier courses and lead students to perfect analytical, evaluative, and critical skills. Students are expected to have increased independence in study habits and in decision making. The student:
  1. Must have received a grade of "A" in the regular prerequisite course or at least "B" in the honors prerequisite course for the previous year. 
  2. Consideration will be given to performance on the most recent standardized test scores, as well as Standards of Learning assessments.
  3. May not drop after the first grading period report cards are issued.
Exceptions will only be made by the principal with input from the counselor and teacher. Once a student qualifies and enrolls in an honors course, they may remain there if they continue to make satisfactory progress.
Advanced Placement Course Guidelines
Advanced Placement courses are offered for a variety of subject areas. Families are encouraged to review the division's most recent edition of Prince George County Public Schools' Course Registration Guide for specific criteria students must meet to have the opportunity to enroll in Advanced Placement courses. 
Students may not drop Advanced Placement courses after the first grading period report cards are issued.
Dual Enrollment Information
Dual Enrollment courses are cosponsored by PGHS and local colleges and enable a student to earn credit from both institutions simultaneously. Classes from Brightpoint Community College and Richard Bland College will be taught on our campus. Longwood University is available over the summer as an online option. Eligible students may take one or several of the courses depending on course prerequisites and academic performance. Taking these courses allows qualified students to enjoy a smoother transition to college, trim tuition costs and/or get ahead on their careers.
Also, the college develops the course content and teaching methods of dual enrollment courses for college age students. When considering college level courses, please consult course descriptions in this guide and your counselor for information and recommendations. It is important to consult college catalogs about the transfer of college credits between colleges and universities. Policies of state and private schools may vary. See your school counselor if you have questions.
The following regulations will apply:
  1. Students must meet course prerequisites as established by the college and PGHS.
  2. Students must complete the college application form, pass Placement Test (if required), and have parental approval.
  3. Students must pay in full the total cost for tuition, books, and supplies at the beginning of each semester of the course where applicable. No application fee is required.
  4. Class grades are weighted and assigned quality points as follows: yearly credit will be A+=5.5, A=5.0, B+=4.5, B=4.0, C+=3.5, C=3.0, D+=2.5, D=2.0, and F=O.
  5. To continue in a second semester course, the student must receive a final first semester grade of C or better. Any student who does not meet this standard must meet with his counselor. Decisions regarding classes to be taught each semester depend upon student enrollment, availability of faculty, facilities, and financial resources.
Families are encouraged to review the division's most recent edition of Prince George County Public Schools' Course Registration Guide for additional information regarding dual enrollment opportunities for students.