Prince George County Public Schools Assessments

Thank you for visiting the Prince George County Public Schools (PGCPS) Assessment Information page.  View the upcoming assessments being administered throughout PGCPS or continue reading for a brief overview of the various assessments administered in PGCPS.  Click More Info. beside each assessment name, if available, for more detailed information about each assessment's administration during the 2024-2025 school year.
Please contact the district's Coordinator of Testing and Accountability, Wade Kliebenstein, by phone at (804) 733-2700 or through email by clicking here if you have questions about any information on this page.
Upcoming Assessments
February 2025
 Assessment Grade(s) Dates*
ACCESS for ELLs K-12 January 20, 2025 - February 21, 2025
Gifted Testing - Spring K-12 February 18, 2025 - March 14, 2025
*Specific assessment dates differ between schools.  Please contact your child's school to get precise assessment dates.
Assessments Administered in Prince George
The Virginia General Assembly passed legislation in 2021 requiring the implementation of growth assessments for students enrolled in grades 3-8 rading and mathematics.  Starting with the 2022-2023 school year, the legislation calls for the administration of a fall and winter growth assessment and a spring SOL assessment in grades 3-8 reading and mathematics to measure student growth.  The assessments administered in the fall will be based on the students' current grade level content and will be used as baseline data.  The results will be used to guide instruction throughout the 2024-2025 school year.  The Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments administered in spring 2025 will be used to determine growth and serve as the summative state assessment for the course.
The Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) set the minimum expectations for what children should know and be able to do at the end of each course.  The assessments at the end of SOL-tested courses measure the success of students in meeting the minimum expectations in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies.  SOL assessments are administered in various courses between a student's 3rd and 12th grade year.  Each year, the Virginia Department of Education publishes School Quality Profiles for each district and school in the state.  Click here to view PGCPS School Quality Profiles.
Click here for more information about SOL assessments.
The Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP) is designed to assess achievement of students with significant cognitive disabilities.  In the past, the VAAP assessments have centered around a year-long collection of evidence that shows student achievement.  Students participating in the VAAP assessments will now be administered an online assessment in math, reading, and science.  Students in grades 3-8 who are participating in the VAAP are administered a VAAP assessment that is equivalent to the SOL assessment being administered to students of the same grade level.  However, students in grades 9-12 who are participating in the VAAP are only assessed once each in the content areas of math, reading, and science.  You can find more information about the new VAAP assessments by watching the 2022 VAAP Parent Video or reading the New VAAP Parent FAQ document.
Click here for more information about VAAP assessments.
The Virginia General Assembly passed legislation in 2014 that eliminated the following SOL tests:
  • Grade 3 History
  • Grade 3 Science
  • Grade 5 Writing
  • United States History to 1865
  • United States History: 1865 to the Present
While the SOL tests were eliminated, the legislation requires that each division assess students using locally created alternative assessments.  Within these local alternative assessments, teachers will incorporate performance assessments.  Performance assessments allow students to demonstrate the five C's outlined in the Profile of a Virginia Graduate by completing a task or creating a product that transfers classroom learning to real-world applications.  More information can be found on the VDOE's Performance Assessments and Local Alternative Assessments webpage.
The Virginia Language & Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) assessment is the state-provided screening tool for Virginia's Early Intervention Reading Initiative (EIRI).  The purpose of the EIRI is to reduce the number of children with reading problems through early diagnosis and immediate intervention.  By screening K-3 students, PGCPS identifies struggling readers and receives incentive funds for intervention.  All students not meeting the Entry Level benchmark for their grade level must receive intervention services in addition to their regular classroom instruction.
The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) is a statewide initiative focused on building a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness and success.  The VKRP is a multi-dimensional measure that partners with VALLSS to also include a focus on mathematics, social skills, and self-regulation.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) allows educators to gain insights into students' abilities and opens a whole new realm of possibilities.  Teachers can tailor instruction to match how students learn, consider students for enrichment programs that pique their interest and challenge their thinking, and uncover gaps between student achievement and ability.
Star Reading and Star Math tests help educators foresee which students are on track to perform well on state summative assessments, giving teachers the information they need to intervene early and help get all students on track for success.
ACCESS for ELLs is the collective name for WIDA's suite of summative English proficiency assessments.  ACCESS is taken anually by English language learners in Kindergarten through Grade 12.
While enrolled in PGCPS, many high school students take advantage of opportunities to earn industry certifications in various fields.  Click here to see the courses of study in which students were enrolled as well as the number of PGCPS students earning an industry certicification by passing the associated assessment.