Del. Carrie Coyner Makes Surprise Visit to Middle Road Elementary School to Celebrate Read Across America Week

March 4, 2025

As Prince George County Public Schools celebrates 'Read Across America Week,' during the week of March 3, 2025, some students at Middle Road Elementary School were treated to a special reading guest as Virginia Delegate Carrie Coyner visited the campus on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, to read to a pair of classes.


During her morning visit, Del. Coyner read to Mrs. Reid's first-grade and Mrs. Nelson's kindergarten classes. Alongside warm conversations and laughs, the state legislator read two books, "Ten Lucky Leprechauns," By Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook, and "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover," by Lucille Colandro.

Coyner Visits MRESDel. Carrie Coyner looks for a student to answer her question as she reads "Ten Lucky Leprechauns," By Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook to a class of Middle Road Elementary School students on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. (PGCPS Photo)

Tuesday's visit by Del. Coyner is her third to the Middle Road Elementary School community, dating back to 2022 when she visited the school's former campus, William A. Walton Elementary School. She has regularly visited PGCPS campuses, spending time with students, staff, and local educational leaders while advocating for education and literacy in our community.

Earlier this year, the delegate visited Prince George High School, where she toured dual-enrollment and Career and Technical Education-focused programs during Virginia School Boards Association's "Take Your Legislator to School Month."

Coyner Visit to MRESMiddle Road Elementary School students listen attentively as Del. Carrie Coyner reads "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover," by Lucille Colandro during her visit as part of 'Read Across America Week.' (PGCPS Photo)

Each of the division's elementary schools has activities planned during Read Across America Week, including a series of themed days, guest readers, and other fun activities for students. Read Across America Week is part of the broader year-long initiative and is celebrated annually during the first week of March. The event centers on promoting literacy, encouraging a love of reading that spans from childhood into adulthood, and educating communities about the importance of reading.