August 9, 2024
For a second-straight year, hundreds of Prince George County Public Schools teachers and staff came together for the division’s IgnitePG professional development conference, offering employees across various specialties the opportunity to learn from their colleagues through a diverse selection of panels and sessions.
Started in 2023, IgnitePG was born out of a desire to give new and returning teachers valuable information and resources ahead of the upcoming school year focused on topics of interest to educators. Following positive reception from attendees of last year’s event, and a desire to expand IgnitePG to include the division’s support staff, event organizers worked to develop an enriching experience for attendees that spanned topics across disciplines and offered something of value for any district staff member attending the event.
Event volunteers spent Wednesday, August 7, 2024, preparing the host venue, J.E.J. Moore Middle School, to welcome over 1,000 district employees for the larger of the two-day session. The event’s second day focused on elementary and secondary educators across both Moore Middle and Middle Road Elementary School for specialized learning and professional development sessions.
Following a morning social hour, the event began with thunderous applause from teachers assembled in the Moore gymnasium, cheering as they gathered with their schools ahead of opening remarks, delivered by acting superintendent Dr. Joseph Cox, Jr., assistant superintendent Dr. Abbie Martin, school board chair Jill Andrews, and 2024 PGCPS Division Teacher of the Year Chelsey Newman.
“As you prepare to meet your students on August 19, please keep those special teachers and the influence they had in your life in mind, and the words you use to describe those teachers,” Dr. Cox remarked. “Strive for those ideals for your first day and the days that follow. Even consider sending a note, an email, or a phone call to those teachers to let them know the influence they had on your life.”
“I worked for the division for over 30 years, and I don't remember a time where our support staff have been included in the opening sessions during the staff development or teacher workdays,” Mrs. Andrews remarked. “It is exciting to see our division find engaging ways like IgnitePG to bring in our support staff who help make sure we are able to serve the needs of the children in our community every day.”
The day featured a variety of breakout sessions across Moore Middle School’s campus, comprising deep dives into instructional topics, focused refresher sessions for specific departments, and beyond-the-classroom discussions, such as financial empowerment through budgeting and investing. Throughout the day, popular sessions that drew a full room attendees included an hour-long discussion on the implications of artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT on the landscape of education, providing choice to students and how it benefits their performance and literacy skills in the realm of music education, and tips for strengthening parent-teacher partnerships for academic success for students.
Prince George High School Choral Director Storm Burks was one of several teachers-turned-presenters who delivered talks during both IgnitePG events. He reflected on why the homegrown conference is beneficial to staff as it grows to include hundreds of PGCPS’ support employees this year.
“I love going to conferences, such as the Virginia Music Educators Association conference each year, and IgnitePG is bringing the concept of peers presenting at a conference right here to Prince George in our own event,” Mr. Burks remarked. “We have so many talented and wonderful people here, and I love to present what my passions are in education to the community. I also love to hear from my peers about what they are doing with the time we have together at this event and get our mindset right for the year.”
Between sessions, attendees had the opportunity to visit Moore’s main foyer to meet with a selection of vendors, including Homebase Credit Union and Pierce Group Benefits, among others, take part in fun activities, including video games, cornhole, and reconnect with one another at various snack and drink stations throughout the building. Attendees also had the chance to win door prizes donated by local sponsors and partners.
Before heading to afternoon sessions, staff enjoyed lunch, generously donated by Luca Italian Restaurant, served by the division’s food and nutrition services staff and some school principals who donned gloves and handed plates of pasta and salad to staff through Moore’s cafeteria line.
"IgnitePG has an ultimate goal to engage, excite, and energize by providing relevant, personalized professional development," PGCPS Coordinator of Educational Technology and Innovation Christine Carr said. "It is our hope that by sharing new strategies, tips, and resources, that our teachers are able to do what matters most, educate our students."
Carr, a longtime educator and 2021 PGCPS Division Teacher for the Year, helps organize IgnitePG alongside a committee that looks at all aspects of the event, including panel suggestions, logistics, marketing, and other essential tasks. This year’s evolution of IgnitePG to include the district’s support staff is a rewarding next step for the event’s organizers.
"Our support staff is integral to our success," Mrs. Carr remarked. "It was only right that they join us for IgnitePG. So, this year, a big focus for us as a committee, was also to include personalized, relevant learning experiences for both our instructional and support staff."
PGCPS Acting Superintendent Dr. Joseph Cox and his daughter Sophie welcome support staff to IgnitePG during the event’s opening remarks on Thursday, August 8, 2024. (PGCPS Photo)
She continued, "We as a school division are stronger when we operate as one unit, continually working to support the success of our students here in PGCPS. By including all support and instructional staff in IgnitePG, we were one school division, sharing and supporting one common goal. It was a powerful day of learning that starts us off with a strong sense of community and support, in turn, leading to a successful 2024-25 school year for the students and families of Prince George County."
IgnitePG also saw support from several businesses and organizations as event sponsors and academic partners, including: Homebase Credit Union, Luca Italian Restaurant, The Omni Homestead Resort, Mastery Connect, Virginia Diner, Whalehook, Nearpod, Thrive Birth to Five, VDOE’s T/TAC at VCU, Gale, Lexia, Carnegie Learning, Food Lion, Canteen, Renaissance Learning, Destination Church, Vantage Point Federal Credit Union, IXL Learning, Follet, Discovery Education, Great American Opportunities, and Unity Baptist Church.
"There is truly no other school division that compares to the passion that our teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, custodians, bus drivers, nurses, and food and nutrition workers bring to our students, each and every day," Mrs. Carr remarked. "That was highlighted in our division's commitment to collaboration, community, and continued learning as we work to lead, innovate, and inspire each and every one of our students, each and every day. Prince George County Public Schools is an amazing place to be and we are going to have an amazing 2024-2025 school year!"
As attention turns to the start of the 2024-25 School Year on Monday, August 19, 2024, volunteers and district leaders are already preparing for next year's IgnitePG event, using feedback from attendees to help shape the professional development in 2025.
To see more photos from PGCPS’ latest IgnitePG event, visit the division’s Flickr channel at